EW! Jeremy Vuolo Admits To NASTY Hygiene Flaw

Jeremy Vuolo YouTube

Jeremy Vuolo inadvertently admitted to a NASTY hygiene flaw on Instagram Stories recently. What is he doing — or not doing — that has Duggar followers so grossed out? Keep reading, we’ll explain.

Life with a toddler post calls Jeremy Vuolo’s hygiene into question

Jeremy Vuolo shared something intended to be relatable on his Instagram Stories recently. It was a short clip of himself spilling on life with a toddler. He showed a photo of his elbow with a random yellow sparkling smiley face sticker on it. Now, this was something those with toddlers did relate to.

Toddlers like to put stickers EVERYWHERE when they have them. So, it is not too uncommon for parents to find a sticker or two somewhere on their bodies. Certainly nothing wrong with some sticker fun. It, however, was the OTHER caption he added to the clip that flipped the stomachs of his followers. Check out a screenshot of the Instagram Story below.

Jeremy Vuolo Instagram Stories

“Just noticed this on my arm. It’s been there for at least two days,” he penned in a caption on top of acknowledging this was his life with a toddler. Now, fans can’t respond directly to the clip because it was on his Instagram Stories… But, screenshots of this Instagram Story and chatter erupted on Facebook.

Duggar followers had a lot of questions about the smiley face sticker that had been on his elbows for days. They were quick to call Jeremy Vuolo’s hygiene into question.

Wait, when was the last time he showered?!

On Facebook, Duggar followers were having a hard time digesting that this sticker had been on his elbow for “at least two days.” This comment caused them to call Jeremy Vuolo’s hygiene into question. When was the last time he took a shower? Why did he find the sticker while washing his hands? The general consensus was that Jeremy should have kept finding a several-day-old sticker on his body to himself.

Duggar Critics Notice An ANNOYING Habit of Jeremy Vuolo

According to Harvard Healthexperts don’t really have a clear answer on how often a person should shower. Most agree showering several times a week is sufficient for most people. Showers may be necessary more frequently if someone is sweaty or grimy.

Even with the information above, Duggar followers are the elusive sticker speaks volumes about Jeremy Vuolo’s hygiene.

Do you think Jeremy Vuolo made a mistake in posting this Instagram Story? Did he out himself and his hygiene flaws? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

Allie Johnson

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