Fans Are OVER Tammy Slaton’s Calculated & Manipulative Victim Act

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1000-Lb. Sisters fans are OVER Tammy Slaton’s calculated and manipulative victim act. After watching tonight’s episode of the TLC series, fans were all over social media with nothing good to say about the reality TV personality. What exactly did Tammy Slaton do that sent fans over the edge? And, what exactly are they saying about her? Keep reading for the details.

Tammy Slaton pouts, shuts down

Tammy Slaton and her new nurse Tisa were getting to know each other when they decided it was time to cook a meal. Amy Halterman explained she hired Tisa to help Tammy do things. But, Amy did not want the nurse to just do things for Tammy. And, she was worried that is what was going to happen.

As Tammy and her nurse start to explore the fridge, Tammy realizes she did not like the food choices her sister picked up at the store. She noted it was typical Amy. Tammy dragged her sister for going to the store and getting food she couldn’t cook or didn’t like.

1000 pound sisters TLC YouTube
1000 pound sisters TLC YouTube

Tammy proceeded to shut down. She crossed her arms and pout. Done with the situation. Realizing Tammy was shutting down, Tisa did what she could to bring Tammy back. Eventually, they did get a meal cooked. Tammy cooked enough to share with Tisa and Amy. Tisa noted the food came out really well.

1000-Lb. Sisters fans disgusted with the temper tantrum

On Twitter, fans of 1000-Lb. Sisters dragged Tammy Slaton for her temper tantrum. They noted she was acting like a “spoiled brat.” They argued it was only a matter of time before Tisa grew tired of Tammy throwing a fit every time she didn’t get her way.

Fans noted that her victim routine was “played out.” They were over her manipulative and calculated attitude. Here’s some of what fans said on Twitter regarding Tammy’s attitude:

Other fans admit they are disgusted that Tammy is always making excuses. Fans wish she would get up and spend just a few minutes a day walking around to keep her mobility from reaching the point of being bed-bound. Her fans, friends, doctors, and family members agree that if she becomes bed-bound… It is only a matter of time before she passes away.

Toward the end of the episode, some fans noted her crying about her relationship with her new boyfriend being shut down by her family was fake. Fans noted it felt like crocodile tears.

Do you think Tammy Slaton is manipulating her family? Share your thoughts with us in the comments. And, keep coming back for more on the TLC personality.

Tammy Slaton - 1000 Lb Sisters Youtube
Tammy Slaton – 1000 Lb Sisters Youtube

Tune in for new episodes of 1000-Lb. Sisters on Monday nights via TLC.

Allie Johnson

One Comment

  1. Can we please just jump to the funeral and end the narcissistic, self absorbed, rude, unappreciative and ugly story.

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