’90 Day Fiance’: Rebecca Reportedly Filed Divorce Papers Later Than She told Zied

90 Day Fiance Rebecca Parrot

90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days‘ penultimate episode showed Zied and Rebecca out in the Sahara enjoying a fun and romantic time. But things got a bit messed up as Rebecca decided to reveal yet another secret. She told Zied that she and her last husband filed for a divorce but it never got finalized. Technically, she was already divorced. Zied nearly had a fit, and Rebecca feared the end. But, he finally believed he understood. But, now it emerges that the papers reportedly got filed much later than she suggested.

90 Day Fiance – Rebecca reportedly kind of lied about the divorce papers to Zied

In a way, it looks like Rebecca kind of lied about the divorce status. But in fairness to her, TV shows Ace reported that she said after the episode that she felt disappointed. Allegedly, TLC never showed much of what went down. Maybe fans missed something. In the meantime, Starcasm got to digging around and they suggested she never quite told the truth to Zied. The outlet noted, “Rebecca’s trip to Tunisia to visit Zied was in January, and she didn’t officially file for divorce until May!”

The news outlet dug up a few more facts on 90 Day Fiance Rebecca, which they published over the months. In one of their updates, the outlet revealed that Rebecca got her divorce finalized “on July 9.” So, in their opinion of the various facts, they feel Rebecca mostly lied to Zied about the divorce filing/signing dates. But they noted some issues between the couple probably started in 2014, “Just nine months after they were married.” They explained something got filed.

Rebecca and her ex filed ‘a temporary order’

The temporary order that Starcasm found relates to, “preventing the parties from harassing each other or their children, selling off property, etc.” They consulted a legal group that explained it. “They are automatically filed in Georgia ‘once you file any domestic relations actions.”‘ Apparently this type of order allows for all sorts of things, “including divorce, alimony, child custody, child support,” and more.

By September 2018, a long time after that temporary order, the ex and Rebecca “signed off on a Marital Settlement Agreement.” So Starcasm assumed that’s what Rebecca talked about when she told Zied they both signed those divorce papers. We heard about the “technically married ” status multiple times on 90 Day Fiance. That agreement also showed them (not divorced) but officially separated.


Divorce filing came after meeting Zied

The actual divorce filing apparently came four months after she met Zied and the filming for the show.  Starcasm surmises delays might refer to the fact she faced financial hardship. TV Shows Ace reported back in September, “It turns out that someone produced a document, speculating maybe Zeid did a background check on her. It talks about her being in debt, owing for back child support” and more.

Maybe the Tell All reveals exactly why delays on the divorce took place. But, for now, Rebecca won’t talk about it. She told the outlet, “Zied knows everything. Lol This is not remotely an issue anymore. I’m not discussing it anymore. It got enough airtime already.” What do you think about Rebecca reportedly fibbing about her divorce status to Zied? Do you think it matters now? After all, Rebecca noted on Instagram about her pride in Zied’s ring he gave her. Sound off your thoughts in the comments below.

Remember to check back with TV Shows Ace often for more news about 90 Day Fiance.

Jane Flowers
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