‘Outdaughtered’ Stars Adam, Danielle Busby Take Trip, Get Bashed For Traveling During COVD-19

Adam and Danielle Busby Outdaughtered Instagram

Outdaughtered stars Adam and Danielle Busby recently took a trip for their anniversary. With COVID-19 going on, a lot of people feel like they shouldn’t have taken this trip. They did not take the girls with them. Pop Culture shared how upset fans are about this recent vacation.

Outdaughtered couple heads to the beach

Adam and Danielle Busby take a trip by themselves every year for their anniversary. They really do need the time away with their large family. They didn’t let COVID-19 keep them back, though. The Outdaughtered stars went to the beach for their trip and even talked about how they want to buy their own beach house someday.


Adam made it clear on his social media that they were on this trip. They shared several pictures of the vacation and it looked like they had a blast. Adam told fans they had an easy time getting there by saying, “we had no issues with traveling. Flew southwest out of houston. They limited the seating on the plane. That’s about it.”

Fans are upset over this trip

A lot of fans are upset that the couple from Outdaughtered even took this trip. The negative comments on their posts have been pretty bad. Here are a few of them.

  • “Seems a bit risky when everyone is staying home for vacation.”
  • “Stay home – what do people not understand about only doing what is essential? Oh my gosh it’s so exhausting to watch!”
  • “If everyone starts thinking like you guys then agglomerations will start again. Nobody likes this, but it’s not vacation time.”

Right now, a lot of people are staying at home, but others are still taking trips. It is not like Danielle and Adam Busby are the first people to go to a beach during this quarantine. Some places expect you to have a mask on and others just want you to social distance. It looked like it was pretty simple for the Outdaughtered stars to social distance on the beach. In all of the pictures, it is just the two of them having a good time together.

Adam did respond to some of the hate by saying, “Haters are always going to hate. Never felt more safe. Airports and customs was (sic) empty, plane was empty, resort is nearly empty. With things the way they are in Texas right now, we are better off right where we are.”

Don’t miss new episodes of Outdaughtered when it returns to TLC. The actual return date hasn’t been announced yet. So, follow TV Shows Ace to keep up with the latest news on this family.

Mandy Robinson

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